GrannyDancer's Holiday Home
where EVERY day is a HOLIDAY!
& Celebrations
for April
Month-Long Observances
Alcohol Awareness Month
Amateur Radio Month
Autism Awareness Month
Cancer Control Month
Child Abuse Prevention Month
Customer Service Month
Frog Month
Guitar Month
Humor Month
Mathematics Education Month
Occupational Therapy Month
Parkinson's Awareness Month
Sexually Transmitted Diseases Awareness Month
Stress Awareness Month
Young Child Month
Week-Long Observances
Apr. 06-12 Library Week
Apr. 06-12 Week of the Ocean
Apr. 13-19 Garden Week
Apr. 13-19 Organ and Tissue Donor Awareness Week
Apr. 14-21 Infant Immunization Week
Apr. 14-21 Jewish Heritage Week
Apr. 20-26 Karaoke Week
Apr. 20-26 Professional Secretaries Week
Apr. 20-26 Organ & Tissue Donor Awareness Week
Apr. 20-26 Sky Awareness Week
Apr. 21-27 Wildlife Week
Apr. 27-May 03 Volunteers Week
Apr. 20-May 20 Taurus
Apr. 01-May 04 Kite Month
Day-Long Observances
Apr. 01- April Fools Day
Apr. 01- Fun At Work Day
Apr. 01- One Cent Day
Apr. 01- Nanavut Anniversary in Canada
Apr. 02- Children's Book Day
Apr. 03- Find A Rainbow Day
Apr. 03- Mule Day
Apr. 04- Learn To Read A Road Map Day
Apr- 05. Equal Pay Day
Apr. 05- Qing Ming Festival in China
Apr. 06- Check Your Batteries Day
Apr. 06- Daylight Saving Begins
Apr. 06- Care Sunday in England
Apr. 07- Let Someone Else Clean Day
Apr. 08- Hana Matsuri Flower Festival in Japan
Apr. 09- School Librarian Day
Apr. 10- Drug Abuse Resistance Education (DARE) Day
Apr. 10- Salvation Army Founder's Day
Apr. 10- Siblings' Day
Apr. 10- Vote Lawyers Out of Office Day
Apr. 11- Barbershop Quartet Day
Apr. 14- Moment Of Laughter Day
Apr. 14- Day of the Americas in Honduras
Apr. 15- Tax Time
Apr. 16- Remembrance Day
Apr. 16- Queen Margrethe's Birthday in Denmark
Apr. 17- Pesach or Passover
Apr. 18- Constitution Day in Canada
Apr. 19- Husbands Day
Apr. 21- Kindergarten Day
Apr. 22- Earth Day
Apr. 22- Jellybean Day
Apr. 22- Discovery of Brazil Day in Brazil
Apr. 23- Shakespeare's Birthday
Apr. 24- First Day of Summer in Iceland
Apr. 25- Arbor Day
Apr. 25- Take Our Daughters To Work Day
Apr. 25- Anzac Day in Australia
Apr. 26- Professional Secretaries Day
Apr. 26- March of Dimes WalkAmerica
Apr. 26- Native American Day
Apr. 27- Day Care Providers Appreciation Day
Apr. 28- Kiss-Your-Mate Day
Apr. 28- National Day of Mourning in Canada
Apr. 29- Holocaust Day (Yom Hashoah) in Israel
Apr. 29- Greenery Day in Japan
Apr- 30. Honesty Day
Apr. 30- Queen's Birthday in Netherlands
Fool's Day

Easter Flowers

Earth Day
A Card for Your Best Secretary

Arbor Day
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St. Patrick's Day || April Fool's Day || Easter || Mother's Day
Memorial Day || Father's Day || Independence Day || Friendship Day
Labor Day || Back to School || Grandparent's Day || Columbus Day
Halloween || Election & Return Day ||
Veteran's Day
|| Thanksgiving
Christmas || Hanukkah || Nutcracker Ballet ||
Secret Santa
New Year's Day || Martin Luther King, Jr ||
Groundhog Day || Valentine's Day || President's Day || Mardi Gras
Arbor Day || Happy Birthday || Webrings || Awards || Flag Day
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GrannyDancer Productions
January 07, 2006